Offer for Pathways Online students:
University of Nottingham
The University of Nottingham make enhanced contextual offers to students who successfully complete the following programmes:
- The Sutton Trust Pathways to Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science at the University of Nottingham
- The Sutton Trust Pathways to Medicine at the University of Nottingham
- The Sutton Trust Pathways to Law Online
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
Contextual offers (standard or enhanced) are not made for Foundation / Gateway courses.
What will the alternative offer be?
These offers are usually two A level grades lower than the standard entry requirements.
For undergraduate courses with entry requirements of BBB, the lowest enhanced contextual offer we would make is BBC.
If our standard offer includes a specific subject grade, this will generally remain. For example, if the standard offer is AAA with an A in maths, the enhanced contextual offer would be ABB with an A in maths.
To qualify for an enhanced contextual offer, you must have Home-UK fee status and your current or most recent school cannot be an independent school.
If you have completed a Sutton Trust programme at Post-16 NOT hosted by the University of Nottingham, you will be eligible for a contextual offer of one grade below the standard entry requirement. If our standard offer includes a specific subject grade, this will generally remain. For example, if the standard offer is AAB with an A in maths, the contextual offer would be ABB with an A in maths.
This applies to all courses except foundation courses where grades are already set at their lowest level.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Pathways universities will receive a list of all students who completed the programme. In addition to this you should add Pathways in the ‘extra activities’ section of your UCAS form as follows:
· Type of activity – select skills and attainment raising activity
· Activity provider – select Sutton Trust
· Name of the activity/programme – share which Pathway you took part in and with which university.
We also recommend that you disclose your participation in Pathways as part of your personal statement.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
The contextual offers policy is available on the website linked below.
Where can I find more information?
Who should I contact if I have a query?
Newcastle University
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
- Law LLB (M101)
- Global Legal Studies LLB (M105)
- As well as Medicine A100, Pathways students are eligible for the lower offer for courses in the Biomedical Sciences Suite (B100, B210, B900, B901, B903, B940, C700, C701) or Pharmacy (B320)
What will the alternative offer be?
Students who successfully complete the Pathways to Law programme, either at Newcastle University or another partner university or Pathways Online, may be eligible for an alternative offer for the following courses: Law LLB (M101) and Global Legal Studies LLB (M105).
For Law LLB (M101), the standard alternative offer is two A level grades lower (or equivalent) than the typical entry requirements, i.e. AAA to ABB. In some circumstances, for Newcastle Pathways students only, it may be possible to offer a further reduction of up to three A level grades lower (or equivalent) than the typical entry requirements i.e. AAA to BBB.
For Global Legal Studies LLB (M105), the alternative offer is two A level grades lower (or equivalent) than the typical entry requirements, i.e. A*AA to AAB.
· The student receives the PARTNERS offer without the stipulation of attending the PARTNERS summer school
· This offer is 3 grades below the standard offer – for Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy this is BBC (rather than the standard AAB offer)
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Pathways universities will receive a list of all students who completed the programme. In addition to this you should add Pathways in the ‘extra activities’ section of your UCAS form as follows:
- Type of activity – select skills and attainment raising activity
Activity provider – select Sutton Trust - Name of the activity/programme – share which Pathway you took part in and with which university.
We also recommend that you disclose your participation in Pathways as part of your personal statement.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
Standard contextual offer for all degrees which is 1-2 grades below the standard offer.
Newcastle University will take into account challenges that you may have faced in your education and the potential effect this may have had on your qualifications. You may be eligible to receive a lower contextual offer if the following applies to you:
– The postcode that you have provided as your home address on your UCAS application form is defined as a neighbourhood where the proportion of students going into higher education is low (determined by POLAR4 data, specifically quintiles 1 and 2). Check your home postcode to see if you are eligible here:
– You have experienced any time in care during your life.
– You are eligible for free school meals.
If you are eligible, the Admissions Team may use this information in the following ways:
– To make you a contextual offer, which will be lower than the typical offer for the Programme to which you have applied.
– When considering applicants who have not quite met the entry criteria stated in their offer at Confirmation.
Alternative Offers
As part of Newcastle University’s longstanding commitment to widening participation, we also offer a number of programmes that allow eligible applicants to receive an alternative offer. These include:
– PARTNERS Programme
Successful completion of PARTNERS may result in an offer that is up to three A level grades lower (or equivalent) than the typical entry requirements. Students complete PARTNERS in the year prior to starting University (usually Year 13).
– Realising Opportunities Programme (ROP)
Successful completion of ROP may result in an offer that is two A level grades lower (or equivalent) than the typical entry requirements. Students must apply for ROP in year 12.
Where can I find more information?
For more information about contextual offers visit:
For more information about our PARTNERS Supported Entry Programme visit:
For more information about Realising Opportunities visit:
Newcastle Law School has a range of scholarship opportunities that can support your studies. We provide these via funds from corporate partners and alumni. More information can be found here:
Information about Newcastle University Scholarships & Bursaries can be found here:
Who should I contact if I have a query?
University of Exeter
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
All courses (see details below)
What will the alternative offer be?
The University of Exeter does take into account contextual factors when reviewing applications. Full details about how we do this can be found on our website along with our contextual offer checker:
Pathways alternative offer
Pathways to Law participants and Pathways Online participants (Law and Banking & Finance programmes) who apply to study at the University of Exeter will be guaranteed to receive an offer for their course of choice, subject to any interviews and / or subject-specific entry requirements*.
The offer will also include a reduction in entry requirements in recognition of participation in these programmes. The grade reduction available is reviewed annually and published in June. As a guide, the current reduction in entry requirements for programme participants applying to join the University in September 2025 is 3 A Level grades or equivalent below a standard entry offer for the majority of courses, and 2 A Level grades or equivalent for BMBS Medicine.
As an example for LLB Law, this reduction would mean that the current standard offer of AAA for 2025 entry would be adjusted to BBB. * The offer guarantee is subject to applicants fulfilling any subject-specific and GCSE entry requirements.
For programmes where interviews are required, applicants will be guaranteed an invitation to interview, but offers will be dependent on performance at interviews.
For BMBS Medicine, applicants will also be required to have taken the required UCAT / GAMSAT test. Please note that UCAT / GAMSAT scores will not form part of the selection process prior to interview, but they may be taken into account in reaching final decisions on any offer post-interview.
Achievement Scholarship
Completion of the programme also gives participants a fast-track route to qualifying as a University of Exeter Senior Scholar and allows access to the benefits package attached to the title. If you meet (or exceed) the scholarship linked grades detailed in your University of Exeter offer, you will be eligible for our Exeter Scholars Attainment Award, a non-competitive bursary of £1,500 awarded in the first year of study. For 2025 entry, the grades required to receive the Exeter Scholars Attainment Award are AAA.
Extra support available
To help with the decision-making process, applicants who receive an offer to study at the university of Exeter will be eligible to claim financial support to help with travel and/or accommodation costs to attend one of our Offer Holder Visit Days. Contact the team at [email protected]
to find out about how to claim. The Exeter Senior Scholars benefits package will help make the transition to the University of Exeter, and settling into student life, easier for new students. Included is exclusive access to our Enhanced Induction Programme (EIP), additional financial support, access to study skills and careers support and even vouchers to help you do your first food shop!
Visit to find out more about our Senior Scholars benefits package and the range of other Exclusive Scholarships that you might be eligible for as a graduate of Pathways to Law or Pathways Online (Law, and Banking and Finance) .
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Once the applicant adds Institution and Course code, they need to add the following codes depending on which programme they have attended:
PTL for in-person Pathways to Law programmes
STONLINE for Sutton Trust Pathways to Law Online and Sutton Trust Pathways to Banking & Finance Online programmes
Where can I find more information?
Contextual offers
What is a contextual offer? | Undergraduate Study | University of Exeter
Contextual Offer Checker
Contextual Offer Checker – University of Exeter (
Exeter Scholars Benefits Packages & exclusive Scholarships
Who should I contact if I have a query?
London School of Economics
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
All academic departments are participating in the contextual offer scheme.
The contextual offer grades are listed alongside the standard offer A-level and IB entry requirements on the relevant programme pages.
Contextual information is used as part of the holistic admissions assessment and applicants are assessed alongside all other similar applicants, therefore having a contextual flag does not guarantee that an offer will be made.
What will the alternative offer be?
Eligible students (students flagged with a home postcode that is classified as TUNDRA Quintile 1, as care experienced, as eligible for Free School Meals, or a participant in a specified LSE WP programme or a Sutton Trust Pathways programme), may be considered for a contextual offer. The contextual offer will be one grade lower than the standard offer for the programme (with the exception of LLB Laws, BA/BSc Anthropology, BA Geography, BSc Geography with Economics, BSc Environment and Development, BSc Environmental Policy with Economics, and BSc International Social and Public Policy, where the contextual offer will be 2 grades lower than the standard offer). Any mathematics requirement must still be met.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Pathways universities will receive a list of all students who completed the programme. In addition to this you should add Pathways in the ‘extra activities’ section of your UCAS form as follows:
- Type of activity – select skills and attainment raising activity
- Activity provider – select Sutton Trust
- Name of the activity/programme – share which Pathway you took part in and with which university.
We also recommend that you disclose your participation in Pathways as part of your personal statement.
Where can I find more information?
LSE Undergraduate Admissions website.
Who should I contact if I have a query?
University of Manchester
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
LLB Law, LLB Law with Criminology, LLB Law with International Study, LLB Law with Politics
What will the alternative offer be?
All Pathways to Law students who successfully complete the programme, either with the University of Manchester, another partner university or online, will be offered a 1-grade reduction from the standard offer on any of the following courses: LLB Law, LLB Law with Criminology, LLB Law with International Study and LLB Law with Politics (even if they do not meet the criteria for contextual admissions).
For students who complete Pathways and are eligible for contextual admissions, the grade reduction will be combined.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Pathways universities will receive a list of all students who completed the programme. In addition to this you should add Pathways in the ‘extra activities’ section of your UCAS form as follows:
- Type of activity – select skills and attainment raising activity
- Activity provider – select Sutton Trust
- Name of the activity/programme – share which Pathway you took part in and with which university.
We also recommend that you disclose your participation in Pathways as part of your personal statement.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
For all Law courses, the typical A-level offer is A*AA. The typical contextual A-level offer is a 2-grade reduction of AAB.
Use our eligibility tool to see whether you are eligible for a contextual offer or any additional consideration here. For students who complete Pathways and are eligible for contextual admissions, the grade reduction will be combined.
Where can I find more information?
Contextual admissions:
Eligibility checker:
Scholarships and bursaries:
Email Admissions for Law/Criminology: [email protected]
Who should I contact if I have a query?
Nottingham Trent University
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
LLB (Hons) Law (Full-time)
LLB (Hons) Business Law
LLB (Hons) Law with Psychology
LLB (Hons) International Law
LLB (Hons) Law with Criminology
LLB (Hons) Law with Business
What will the alternative offer be?
Students who meet the criteria for the Pathways scheme and who successfully complete the Pathways Online programme will be offered a one-grade reduction (8 UCAS points) on any standard offer you receive to study a Law course at NTU. N.B. This grade reduction for participation on Pathways to Law is not guaranteed when applying for the LLB Law Sandwich Course, or non-Law NTU courses.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
The Sutton Trust will be in contact to let you know how to add the programme onto your UCAS form.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
A lower offer may be made based on a range of factors, including your background (such as where you live and the school or college you attended), your experiences and individual circumstances (you may have been in care, for example). This is called a contextual offer and we get data from UCAS to make these decisions. NTU offers a student experience like no other and this approach helps us to find students who have the potential to succeed here but who may have faced barriers that make it more difficult to access university.
Where can I find more information?
Who should I contact if I have a query?
Offer for Pathways In Person students
Newcastle University
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
- Law LLB (M101)
- Global Legal Studies LLB (M105)
- As well as Medicine A100, Pathways students are eligible for the lower offer for courses in the Biomedical Sciences Suite (B100, B210, B900, B901, B903, B940, C700, C701) or Pharmacy (B320)
What will the alternative offer be?
Students who successfully complete the Pathways to Law programme, either at Newcastle University or another partner university or Pathways Online, may be eligible for an alternative offer for the following courses: Law LLB (M101) and Global Legal Studies LLB (M105).
For Law LLB (M101), the standard alternative offer is two A level grades lower (or equivalent) than the typical entry requirements, i.e. AAA to ABB. In some circumstances, for Newcastle Pathways students only, it may be possible to offer a further reduction of up to three A level grades lower (or equivalent) than the typical entry requirements i.e. AAA to BBB.
For Global Legal Studies LLB (M105), the alternative offer is two A level grades lower (or equivalent) than the typical entry requirements, i.e. A*AA to AAB.
· The student receives the PARTNERS offer without the stipulation of attending the PARTNERS summer school
· This offer is 3 grades below the standard offer – for Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy this is BBC (rather than the standard AAB offer)
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Students should indicate they are a Pathways student by putting Sutton Trust in the further details box.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
Standard contextual offer for all degrees which is 1-2 grades below the standard offer.
Where can I find more information?
Each course page shows details of Contextual offer grade requirements
Who should I contact if I have a query?
University of Exeter
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
All courses (see details below)
What will the alternative offer be?
The University of Exeter does take into account contextual factors when reviewing applications. Full details about how we do this can be found on our website along with our contextual offer checker:
Pathways alternative offer
Pathways to Law participants and Pathways Online participants (Law and Banking & Finance programmes) who apply to study at the University of Exeter will be guaranteed to receive an offer for their course of choice, subject to any interviews and / or subject-specific entry requirements*.
The offer will also include a reduction in entry requirements in recognition of participation in these programmes. The grade reduction available is reviewed annually and published in June. As a guide, the current reduction in entry requirements for programme participants applying to join the University in September 2025 is 3 A Level grades or equivalent below a standard entry offer for the majority of courses, and 2 A Level grades or equivalent for BMBS Medicine.
As an example for LLB Law, this reduction would mean that the current standard offer of AAA for 2025 entry would be adjusted to BBB. * The offer guarantee is subject to applicants fulfilling any subject-specific and GCSE entry requirements.
For programmes where interviews are required, applicants will be guaranteed an invitation to interview, but offers will be dependent on performance at interviews.
For BMBS Medicine, applicants will also be required to have taken the required UCAT / GAMSAT test. Please note that UCAT / GAMSAT scores will not form part of the selection process prior to interview, but they may be taken into account in reaching final decisions on any offer post-interview.
Achievement Scholarship
Completion of the programme also gives participants a fast-track route to qualifying as a University of Exeter Senior Scholar and allows access to the benefits package attached to the title. If you meet (or exceed) the scholarship linked grades detailed in your University of Exeter offer, you will be eligible for our Exeter Scholars Attainment Award, a non-competitive bursary of £1,500 awarded in the first year of study. For 2025 entry, the grades required to receive the Exeter Scholars Attainment Award are AAA.
Extra support available
To help with the decision-making process, applicants who receive an offer to study at the university of Exeter will be eligible to claim financial support to help with travel and/or accommodation costs to attend one of our Offer Holder Visit Days. Contact the team at [email protected] to find out about how to claim. The Exeter Senior Scholars benefits package will help make the transition to the University of Exeter, and settling into student life, easier for new students. Included is exclusive access to our Enhanced Induction Programme (EIP), additional financial support, access to study skills and careers support and even vouchers to help you do your first food shop!
Visit to find out more about our Senior Scholars benefits package and the range of other Exclusive Scholarships that you might be eligible for as a graduate of Pathways to Law or Pathways Online (Law, and Banking and Finance).
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Once the applicant adds Institution and Course code, they need to add the following codes depending on which programme they have attended:
PTL for in-person Pathways to Law programmes
STONLINE for Sutton Trust Pathways to Law Online and Sutton Trust Pathways to Banking & Finance Online programmes
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
National pathways students (Banking & Finance and Engineering) and Pathways Online (Consulting) students may be eligible for Contextual offers and can check their eligibility using the Contextual Offer Checker Contextual Offer Checker – University of Exeter
Where can I find more information?
Contextual offers
What is a contextual offer? | Undergraduate Study | University of Exeter
Contextual Offer Checker
Contextual Offer Checker – University of Exeter (
Exeter Scholars Benefits Packages & exclusive Scholarships
Who should I contact if I have a query?
London School of Economics
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
All academic departments are participating in the contextual offer scheme.
The contextual offer grades are listed alongside the standard offer A-level and IB entry requirements on the relevant programme pages.
Contextual information is used as part of the holistic admissions assessment and applicants are assessed alongside all other similar applicants, therefore having a contextual flag does not guarantee that an offer will be made.
What will the alternative offer be?
Eligible students (students flagged with a home postcode that is classified as TUNDRA Quintile 1, as care experienced, as eligible for Free School Meals, or a participant in a specified LSE WP programme or a Sutton Trust Pathways programme), may be considered for a contextual offer. The contextual offer will be one grade lower than the standard offer for the programme (with the exception of LLB Laws, BA/BSc Anthropology, BA Geography, BSc Geography with Economics, BSc Environment and Development, BSc Environmental Policy with Economics, and BSc International Social and Public Policy, where the contextual offer will be 2 grades lower than the standard offer). Any mathematics requirement must still be met.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Pathways universities will receive a list of all students who completed the programme. In addition to this you should add Pathways in the ‘extra activities’ section of your UCAS form as follows:
- Type of activity – select skills and attainment raising activity
- Activity provider – select Sutton Trust
- Name of the activity/programme – share which Pathway you took part in and with which university.
We also recommend that you disclose your participation in Pathways as part of your personal statement.
Where can I find more information?
LSE Undergraduate Admissions website.
Who should I contact if I have a query?
University of Nottingham
The University of Nottingham make enhanced contextual offers to students who successfully complete the following programmes:
- The Sutton Trust Pathways to Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science at the University of Nottingham
- The Sutton Trust Pathways to Medicine at the University of Nottingham
- The Sutton Trust Pathways to Law Online
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
All courses except Foundation/Gateway courses where grades are already set at their lowest level.
What will the alternative offer be?
These offers are usually two A level grades lower than the standard entry requirements.
For undergraduate courses with entry requirements of BBB, the lowest enhanced contextual offer we would make is BBC.
If our standard offer includes a specific subject grade, this will generally remain. For example, if the standard offer is AAA with an A in maths, the enhanced contextual offer would be ABB with an A in maths.
To qualify for an enhanced contextual offer, you must have Home-UK fee status and your current or most recent school cannot be an independent school.
If you have completed a Sutton Trust programme at Post-16 NOT hosted by the University of Nottingham, you will be eligible for a contextual offer of one grade below the standard entry requirement. If our standard offer includes a specific subject grade, this will generally remain. For example, if the standard offer is AAB with an A in maths, the contextual offer would be ABB with an A in maths.
This applies to all courses except foundation courses where grades are already set at their lowest level.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Pathways universities will receive a list of all students who completed the programme. In addition to this you should add Pathways in the ‘extra activities’ section of your UCAS form as follows:
· Type of activity – select skills and attainment raising activity
· Activity provider – select Sutton Trust
· Name of the activity/programme – share which Pathway you took part in and with which university.
We also recommend that you disclose your participation in Pathways as part of your personal statement.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
The contextual offers policy is available on the website linked below.
Where can I find more information?
Who should I contact if I have a query?
University of Manchester
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
LLB Law, LLB Law with Criminology, LLB Law with International Study, LLB Law with Politics
What will the alternative offer be?
All Pathways to Law students who successfully complete the programme, either with the University of Manchester, another partner university or online, will be offered a 1-grade reduction from the standard offer on any of the following courses: LLB Law, LLB Law with Criminology, LLB Law with International Study and LLB Law with Politics (even if they do not meet the criteria for contextual admissions).
For students who complete Pathways and are eligible for contextual admissions, the grade reduction will be combined.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Pathways universities will receive a list of all students who completed the programme. In addition to this you should add Pathways in the ‘extra activities’ section of your UCAS form as follows:
- Type of activity – select skills and attainment raising activity
- Activity provider – select Sutton Trust
- Name of the activity/programme – share which Pathway you took part in and with which university.
We also recommend that you disclose your participation in Pathways as part of your personal statement.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
For all Law courses, the typical A-level offer is A*AA. The typical contextual A-level offer is a 2-grade reduction of AAB.
Use our eligibility tool to see whether you are eligible for a contextual offer or any additional consideration here. For students who complete Pathways and are eligible for contextual admissions, the grade reduction will be combined.
Where can I find more information?
Contextual admissions:
Eligibility checker:
Scholarships and bursaries:
Email Admissions for Law/Criminology: [email protected]
Who should I contact if I have a query?
Imperial College London
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
Please state which undergraduate courses are eligible for a Pathways alternative offer:
MBBS/BSc Medicine A100
What will the alternative offer be?
If students meet a lower UCAT threshold, then they are invited to interview. Then if successful at interview, students are given a conditional offer of AAA (instead of typical offer of A*AA) – this is only available to students on the Pathways to Medicine programme at Imperial.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Students can include Pathways in the WP section of the UCAS form, but we will also ask if they are applying to us and flag them automatically.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
Any students who hit the WP flag from the information in their UCAS form would be eligible for the lower UCAT threshold and AAA conditional offer.
Where can I find more information?
Who should I contact if I have a query?
University of Leeds
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
All undergraduate degrees within the School of Law
What will the alternative offer be?
Upon successful completion of the Pathways to Law programme, students who have participated at any university will be eligible for a contextual offer of a two-grade reduction for any undergraduate course within the School of Law. Successful completion of the programme will be taken into consideration alongside other factors such as predicted grades and personal statement; a contextual offer is not guaranteed purely as a result of completing Pathways to Law.
The contextual offer is not currently available to students who have only completed the online stream of Pathways to Law.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Pathways universities will receive a list of all students who completed the programme. In addition to this you should add Pathways in the ‘extra activities’ section of your UCAS form as follows:
- Type of activity – select skills and attainment raising activity
- Activity provider – select Sutton Trust
- Name of the activity/programme – share which Pathway you took part in and with which university.
We also recommend that you disclose your participation in Pathways as part of your personal statement.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
If students would like to study at the University of Leeds but do not wish to study a course in the School of Law, they are encouraged to explore our Access to Leeds contextual admissions course. Access to Leeds entails completion of online study modules and written assignment to help build skills and a knowledge-base that will help them move into Higher Education; participants are also paired with an academic tutor. This course requires approximately 16 hours of study during the spring term. Successful completion will make participants eligible for a two-grade reduction on any undergraduate course (not including Foundation years).
Pathways to Law students who wish to study a course from the School of Law at the University of Leeds do not need to do Access to Leeds.
Students who have completed Pathways to Law or Access to Leeds who then come to study at the University of Leeds will be enrolled on the Plus Programme. This scheme aims to provide a further support network and development opportunities for students once they are doing their degree.
Depending on personal circumstances, students may be entitled to non-repayable financial support while at the University of Leeds:
¨ The Sanctuary Scholarship is available for students who are forced migrants to the UK, covering tuition fee costs and £10, 000 per year towards additional study costs. The number of Sanctuary Scholarships is limited and students must apply by the deadline (usually April, subject to change) and be interviewed in order to be considered. The Sanctuary Scholarship can be used on any foundation, undergraduate, or Masters degree.
¨ The Leeds Bursary is based on household income and is on a scale related to this i.e. those with the lowest household incomes receive the highest amount of bursary, up to £2000 per year for an undergraduate degree. The amount available is higher for those completing a Foundation year. You can choose how you receive this – either as a cash bursary, a discount on your fees, or a discount on University of Leeds accommodation. It is means-tested, so Student Finance England inform the University of your eligibility using your Student Finance application. If you are not applying for a student loan, you should still fill in a Student Finance application but indicate that you are requesting £0 as a loan.
¨ Scholarship: Personal Circumstances
If a student’s household income is below £42,875 annually, they may be eligible to apply for a means-tested undergraduate scholarship of a £3000 cash instalment per year of study. Students who are able to evidence that they are care experienced and/or estranged from parents will be eligible for an additional £2000 annually.
¨ Scholarship: Academic Achievement
The University of Leeds offers a number of subject-related scholarships for UK and international undergraduate students, with academic achievement key to eligibility. The amount and method of award varies by specific scholarship.
Where can I find more information?
Access to Leeds | University of Leeds
The Plus Programme | University of Leeds
Sanctuary Scholarship | University of Leeds
Scholarships | personal circumstances | University of Leeds
Scholarships | academic achievement | University of Leeds
Who should I contact if I have a query?
University of Warwick
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
There only course exemption is the WBS Foundation Year. Alternative offers for post-16 programme participants will be made for all degree courses at the University of Warwick where an offer is made.
What will the alternative offer be?
If you participate in and successfully complete Pathways to Law, Pathways to Banking and Finance, or Pathways to Engineering, either through Warwick or another university, you will also receive additional consideration when applying to Warwick through UCAS. This is dependent on meeting all other admissions criteria.
There are two types of reduced offer you may receive:
a) Contextual offer – if you meet the conditions set out in the section above;
b) Dual offer – this means that, in addition to the standard offer (which will be in accordance with our published entry criteria) you will also receive an alternative offer which will come into effect as long as you complete the programme you are on.
In both cases the reduced offer will be up to 2 A level grades or up to 4 International Baccalaureate points lower than the standard offer for entry to that course or the removal of an additional requirement (e.g. the STEP requirement for Mathematics).
All students who successfully complete one of the post-16 programmes will be invited to join the Warwick Scholars undergraduate programme.
What will the alternative offer be?
If you participate in and successfully complete Pathways to Law, Pathways to Banking and Finance, or Pathways to Engineering, either through Warwick or another university, you will also receive additional consideration when applying to Warwick through UCAS. This is dependent on meeting all other admissions criteria.
There are two types of reduced offer you may receive:
a) Contextual offer – if you meet the conditions set out in the section above;
b) Dual offer – this means that, in addition to the standard offer (which will be in accordance with our published entry criteria) you will also receive an alternative offer which will come into effect as long as you complete the programme you are on.
In both cases the reduced offer will be up to 2 A level grades or up to 4 International Baccalaureate points lower than the standard offer for entry to that course or the removal of an additional requirement (e.g. the STEP requirement for Mathematics).
All students who successfully complete one of the post-16 programmes will be invited to join the Warwick Scholars undergraduate programme.
If you have already joined Warwick Scholars thorough the access programme you are guaranteed an offer and this will take precedence over the Pathways alternative offer.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Pathways universities will receive a list of all students who completed the programme. In addition to this you should add Pathways in the ‘extra activities’ section of your UCAS form as follows:
- Type of activity – select skills and attainment raising activity
- Activity provider – select Sutton Trust
- Name of the activity/programme – share which Pathway you took part in and with which university.
We also recommend that you disclose your participation in Pathways as part of your personal statement.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
We consider a range of contextual factors when assessing UCAS applications to build a more holistic and rounded view of students’ academic achievement and potential. The contextual factors we use to inform decision-making and policy are drawn from UCAS application forms and a range of publicly available national datasets. Please note that the contextual offer policy applies only to state school applicants and independent schools are not currently considered.
Please visit this website to assess your eligibility for a contextual offer at Warwick:
Where can I find more information?
Contextual Offer:
Disrupted Education:
Warwick Scholars:
Who should I contact if I have a query?
If you have any questions, please contact the Pathways team at [email protected]. For more information on Warwick Scholars Undergraduate Programme, please email [email protected]
Cardiff University
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
All undergraduate courses.
What will the alternative offer be?
For programmes that do not require an interview, audition, or portfolio review:
– Where an applicant is taking or has achieved appropriate qualifications for the course for which they have applied, an offer will be made at one grade lower than the standard offer (typically the lower end of the grade range advertised).
For programmes that require an interview, audition, or portfolio review, excluding Dentistry and Healthcare Sciences programmes, and Medicine (MBBCh):
– Where an applicant is taking and/or has achieved appropriate qualifications for the course for which they have applied the applicant will be guaranteed an interview, audition, or portfolio review.
– If following the selection process an offer is to be made, this will be at one grade lower than the standard offer (typically the lower end of the grade range advertised).
For Healthcare Sciences programmes, BSc Dental Therapy and Hygiene, and DipHE Dental Hygiene only:
Where an applicant is taking and/or has achieved appropriate qualifications for the course for which they have applied the applicant will be given
– additional consideration in the scoring and selection process which is used for determining those to be invited to interview.
– If following the selection process an offer is to be made, this will be at one grade lower than the standard offer (typically the lower end of the grade range advertised).
For Medicine (MBBCh) and Dentistry (BDS) programmes only:
– Where an applicant is taking and/or has achieved appropriate qualifications for the course for which they have applied the applicant will be given additional consideration in the scoring and selection process which is used for determining those to be invited to interview.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Not required.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
Students/Participants can find details of our wider Contextual Admissions Policy here.
Where can I find more information?
Who should I contact if I have a query?
Queen Mary University of London
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
All undergraduate Law programmes (apart from M101 Senior Status Law)
What will the alternative offer be?
Upon successful completion of the Pathways to Law programme, students who have participated at any Pathways to Law university will be eligible for an enhanced contextual offer of AAB if successful in their application to Queen Mary undergraduate Law programmes.
Participants who have completed the Queen Mary Pathways to Law programme are eligible for a contextual offer of BBB if successful in their application to Queen Mary undergraduate Law programmes.
The contextual offer is not currently available to students who have only completed the online stream of Pathways to Law or for any other Pathways subject stream.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Pathways universities will receive a list of all students who completed the programme. In addition to this you should add Pathways in the ‘extra activities’ section of your UCAS form as follows:
- Type of activity – select skills and attainment raising activity
Activity provider – select Sutton Trust - Name of the activity/programme – share which Pathway you took part in and with which university.
We also recommend that you disclose your participation in Pathways as part of your personal statement.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
Our contextual admissions policy is reviewed annually in conjunction with our academic schools. By taking contextual data and information into account, the admissions selector may make one of the following decisions;
· Provide additional consideration at application stage prior to making a decision regarding your application.
· To make you a contextual offer:
o Our standard contextual offer is up to a two-grade reduction from our standard A-level offer (one grade for our Medicine, Dentistry and Law programmes)
o Our enhanced contextual offer is up to a three-grade reduction from our standard A-level offer (two grades for our Medicine and Dentistry programmes).
Your eligibility for a contextual offer is made using the information provided on your UCAS application form. We review every application holistically to determine whether you are eligible for a reduced contextual offer:
Standard contextual offer
To be eligible you must meet one of the following criteria:
· You live in an area of disadvantage, defined using ACORN segmentation (i.e. your home postcode is identified as ACORN Group: M, N, P, Q, R, S or U)
· You were previously in receipt of Free School Meals during study in Key Stage 4 (up to year 11)
· Your school or college is sponsored by Queen Mary
· The school or college where you took (or are taking) your GCSE’s and or A-Levels has performed below the national average over the last three years and you live in an area of disadvantage using the IMD measure (i.e. your home postcode is identified as IMD Quintile 1 or 2)
· You are care experienced *
· You are estranged **
· You have a declared disability
· You are holding an immigration permission which confirms you are:
o a refugee
o an asylum seeker
o entered the UK via one of the following schemes (Ukrainian Family Scheme; Homes for Ukraine Scheme; or Ukraine Extension Scheme).
Enhanced contextual offer
To be eligible you must meet one of the following criteria:
· You are a care leaver ***
· You have participated in one of our sustained/partnered access schemes where we can verify successful completion ****
Medicine and Dentistry will have additional UCAT requirements which all applicants must satisfy.
BSc Oral Health (A910) is not eligible for a reduced offer.
Where can I find more information?
Queen Mary Contextual Admissions webpage including eligibility tracker:
For more information about the School of Law and courses available:
Who should I contact if I have a query?
University of Liverpool
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative offer?
The following undergraduate Law programmes;
– Law
– Law with a Year Abroad
– Law with Criminology
– Law and Criminology
All undergraduate programmes within our Management School.
All undergraduate programmes within our School of Engineering.
The following programmes within the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics:
– Electrical and Electronic Engineering
– Mechatronics and Robotic Systems
– Avionic Systems
What will the alternative offer be?
Each student who completes a Pathways programme delivered by the University of Liverpool will be able to access a Pathways contextual offer for programme included. This offer will involve a 2 grade reduction on the standard A-Level offer. Equivalent offers will be applied to alternative qualifications.
How do I let the university know I’ve completed the Pathways programme?
Include participation of a Pathways programme in the Further Details field in the Choices section and, if possible, contact the Pathways team at the University of Liverpool to confirm you have applied for an undergraduate programme.
Does the university provide contextual offers to students more generally?
Building on our proud and long-standing success in widening participation, we have adopted the use of contextual offers for applicants in the main UCAS recruitment cycle. This will provide up to a 2-grade reduction* from the standard offer for the following under-represented groups:
· Students from English neighbourhoods with historically low participation in Higher Education (known as POLAR 4 Quintile 1 postcodes, after the dataset used by the Office for Students to track this metric)
· UK Care Experienced students (i.e. qualifying students who have spent any amount of time in Local Authority care and meet associated eligibility criteria used nationally).
Please note that students who are eligible for a grade reduction due to completion of a Pathways programme cannot combine this with our contextual offer.
Where can I find more information? data/contextual-admissions/
Who should I contact if I have a query?
University of Leicester
Which undergraduate courses can I apply for with a Pathways alternative
All undergraduate courses
What will the alternative offer be?
For programmes that do not require an interview, audition, or portfolio review:
- Where an applicant is taking or has achieved appropriate qualifications for the course for which they have applied, an offer will be made at one grade
lower than the standard offer (typically the lower end of the grade range advertised).
For programmes that require an interview, audition, or portfolio review, excluding Dentistry and Healthcare Sciences programmes, and Medicine (MBBCh):
- Where an applicant is taking and/or has achieved appropriate qualifications for the course for which they have applied the applicant will be guaranteed an interview, audition, or portfolio review.
- If following the selection process an offer is to be made, this will be at one grade lower than the standard offer (typically the lower end of the grade range advertised).
For Healthcare Sciences programmes, BSc Dental Therapy and Hygiene, and DipHE Dental Hygiene only:
- Where an applicant is taking and/or has achieved appropriate qualifications for the course for which they have applied the applicant will be given additional consideration in the scoring and selection process which is used
for determining those to be invited to interview. - If following the selection process an offer is to be made, this will be at one grade lower than the standard offer (typically the lower end of the grade range advertised).
For Medicine (MBBCh) and Dentistry (BDS) programmes only:
- Where an applicant is taking and/or has achieved appropriate qualifications
for the course for which they have applied the applicant will be given additional consideration in the scoring and selection process which is used for determining those to be invited to interview.
Where can I find more information?
Who should I contact if I have a query?
If you’d like to learn more about contextual offers in general, please click here.